To both of my loyal readers: I've decided to shut down operations here at the Chronicles for the Holidays. It's best for me to "pull away" from all things political during Christmas, I find that it clears my mind and allows me to enjoy watching the kids squirm while they wait for Santa. I intend to do some cooking, and to spend time with the horses, in short, I just want to enjoy this time. My daughter will be having some surgery the week after Christmas, (again) and I need to be fully focused on that as well. My daughter has been trying out her blogger legs of late, and she may post an entry or two (the last post was hers). I'll ask that if you wander by, encourage her by leaving a comment if you have a minute. (It's likely that some of you will eventually wind up working for her one day, think of it as getting the jump on sucking up)
I wish everyone a safe and happy Holiday Season, I hope it finds you enjoying the company of family and friends.
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