Couldn't let this slide

I was going to just gently prod everyone to make time to vote, with no endorsements (like it matters) of either Party or Candidates, because I figure by now, if you haven't made up your mind, keep your wishy washy ass at home. Until I saw this, over at TGW. By far, this has to be the ugliest, most mean spirited ad I have ever seen, and that is truly sayin something. I know nothing about this particular race in New York, but I'm asking those of you who might have friends or relatives there, call or email them and ask them to go vote against this jerk. Even if the Dem challenger is a DINO. Even if he or she (I told you I know nothing about this race, sue me) is currently in rehab, or hell, jail for that matter. Vote against ads like this one. Mad props to the fine bloggers at Tennessee Guerilla Women. (My kids just die when I try to use their lingo...)
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